

Helping Others

You can click the above link to see what I'm working on. I'd like to finish the website this week.

My idea is simple: We're all writers, we're all readers. Books, poems, Facebook posts, song lyrics, emails, postcards, news reports, menus, street signs, graffiti. We buy paperbacks, hard covers and eBooks at our favorite places. We look for good deals, writers we like, stories that interest us, inform us, help us decide what we must do to get on with our lives. 

Suppose in addition to that, suppose every time we bought what we'd like to read, part of the money we spent went to Feeding America, or Doctors Without Borders, or the American Red Cross?

And suppose the writers and musicians and artists we love supplied their short works to make it all work, a functioning partnership between writers and readers to DO SOMETHING to help victims of disasters get food and clothes and medicine. Not just Facebook posts, but writers and readers sharing their time and experiences to let those unfortunate ones know, we care. Here, take what we can give. Tell us how we can do more. 

I think this can work. I'm risking money I don't have and time that is getting short to create a mechanism that receives and delivers help. Everyone I have talked to about this wants in. My faith in humanity has grown quite a bit just hearing good things we can do. I'll keep you posted.

New stories, new music  Three stories complete. Two more in the works. Two more drafted. My next story will be Before I Go, rooted in the Ch...