

 The website   is now upgraded and looks marvelous, with the strong women characters of Smuggler's Return now appearing beautiful and bold, just as I hoped. Click the hyperlinks to see.

Paula and her baby on the cover 

Paula and her baby


“Arriving passengers came down the walkway toward them. They both stopped to look at a beautiful young woman with long straight dark brown hair pushing a lightweight stroller where a toddler sat waving a plastic bag of cookies at everyone. She wore a tan suede skirt and boots and a black pullover light sweater that showed her figure. She waved at Rooster, smiling, talking to the baby.”

Alicia, Rooster's ex and a key player         Alicia

“Not beautiful in the movie star sense, she had the strong features and smooth unblemished skin of a model. She was sexy the way intelligent women are sexy, middle age empowering her looks by removing the frivolity of youth and replacing it with the regal appearance of a woman used to getting her way. Slender and tall and in excellent shape from years of exercise and diet, she looked great, like she had lots of money and spent it on her sense of style and poise.”

  10 Questions for Tom Fillion Buy here from Amazon   1.       It seems like you have been writing and self-publishing for years now. I ...