

New stories, new music 

Three stories complete. Two more in the works. Two more drafted.

My next story will be Before I Go, rooted in the Christopher Cross song that expresses so much about aging, love and hope. click to listen.

Before I Go Christopher Cross

Add this great Reggae

Fire on Babylon

And Lyle Lovett



Writers4Relief Update

    Before the election went haywire, I had a vision of getting writers together to submit stories that would go into eBooks, get sold on Amazon and Draft2Digital, and half the money would go to relief groups like Feed America or Hurricane Response. Noble idea, anyway.

    But now, we're not worried about hurricanes. We're worried about the overthrow of the American Republic by the current administration. I have a different vision for what writers could do, but I don't want to manage a website or launch a marketing campaign or do anything that sucks me and my friends any further into The Matrix. I'm writing a series of tell-me-what-I see stories under the book title Life During Wartime. I don't want to talk about how to market it. I want to write 20 good stories and then poke my head up for air and see what's going on in the wasteland.

    I will not be marketing shirts and cups and hoodies. I don't have the energy. I will be writing my Grapes of Wrath stories until someone says, you know, I'd like to read that. Each story is based in a rock song I admire. All the stories will be like that. Hippie rock and black rhythm and blues let real voices be heard. Now with hip-hop and reborn jazz, more chances to express the universal world view are everywhere. We will not be denied. I got your WOKE right here, buddy. 

These are the featured songs so far. You can also look for Neil's Faves in YouTube.

Life During Wartime

That's All You Need

The Ghost of Tom Joad

The stories are in final draft, well received so far. Knowing the song will help you catch on.

New stories, new music  Three stories complete. Two more in the works. Two more drafted. My next story will be Before I Go, rooted in the Ch...